Stop fixing women!

Women are already amazing. The problem is that the unwritten work culture in most organisations has just not been designed to value typically female strengths.

Helene Banner

I’ve met Helene via European Women Association (EWA) founded by Yulia Stark, a former guest of my podcast.

On 16 th of July 2019, just two years ago, Ursula von der Leyen, was elected as the first female President of the European Commission. Helene was in the transition team during her election campaign. On that day she had an inner voice saying that she’s done with European institutions having seen it all, how it functions and how a woman is elected and supported by member states. She decided that her new “why” would be to support more women at the table where they can shine, where they can get their full potential and that they can be part of the discussion of decision making.

In her free “Imperfection Training for Perfectionist Women” Helene shares how she overcame people-pleasing, overperforming and perfectionism in order to help more women to dare to be more imperfect in their workplace.

Please check the links to her free training, workshops and our podcast episode.

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