This week in Değer Yaratmanın Formülü | Podcast my special guest is Chip Walker, Head of Strategy at StrawberryFrog . He is a brand, business, cultural strategist who has been in planning and strategy roles at some of the Maddison Avenue’s legendary advertising agencies such as Wunderman, BBDO, StrawberryFrog, Young&Rubicam.
It was inevitable to talk first about Mad Men; I asked him about the changes in advertising industry since those days. Brand Purpose is in the center of his practice at least for the last five years. We talked about how people evaluate brand purpose, based on Purpose Power Index that they developed with RepTrak. Further on, we discussed the role of purpose for different stakeholders and most importantly how to integrate it in their practice. Chip co-authored the book “Activate Brand Purpose”. He described the “movement thinking” that they use to guide firms and brands on how to activate their purpose and shared cases of SunTrust Bank and Smart car.
I hope you’ll enjoy our conversation