In this episode my special guest is Dr. Işıl Top-Martinez, an innovation and technology scout.
We talked about Işıl’s innovation journey that started in a research lab, continued in a business environement, innovation funding consulting. Her passion for helping innovators brought her to Cambridge Technology transfer office where they tried to figure out how inventions, patents that are brought up in university can be used in real world, through licensing and starting spin out companies. Currently at Ezassi, she is matchmaking companies who are looking for innovative solutions with those who are developing them, using her expertise.
Innovation is a product of a combined effort of entrepreneurs, academia, investors, regulatory bodies and intermediary organisations in the ecosystem. The ideas are everywhere nowadays we can also benefit from AI and ML but at the end of the day we need to make sure we solve a real problem.
(01:13) Işıl’s interest and expertise in innovation (09:30) academy’s role in innovation (10:58) the innovation ecosystem in Europe (14:33) Innovation funding consultancy (16:50) technology scouting (19:30) innovation platform with AI & ML (22:15) where the good ideas are coming from (25:15) Işıl’s formula for creating value
Işıl Top-Martinez’ Linkedin profile